Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 0: The Grand Plan

Well. Here I am. All 12 stone 10.8lbs of me, if my bathroom scales are to be believed. Like most people who struggle with their weight, I have read many diet books and even tried some of them. All of them a waste of precious time, money and effort and one in particular, a source of deep misery and several hours in the bathroom after a nasty smoothie incident.

The fact is, that being overweight, whichever way you cut it, is not healthy. Having seen my Dad suffer at the hands of cancer purely down to lifestyle choices, I am determined to get this right this time. I have been mulling this over for several months and decided the only way to really make permanent change, was not to follow a set of arbitrary rules someone has thought up, but to create my own diet plan which suits me and how I live.

So, how did I get to this point? It is a bit of a long story, but it starts with a virus in the early 90s, I was very poorly and it took me several years to really recover. I won’t bore you with the details as there is nothing duller than other people’s health problems. However, the long and the short of it was that I stopped being as active as I once was, and my body is very efficient and stored lots of lovely fat away to help me get through the tough times. I am now in my mid 30s, and I need to shift it, otherwise I will be at risk of all sorts of nasty ailments as I start to age.

So, first things first. I am going to make some obvious changes which I know I need to deal with. The first is my biscuit consumption. I like to think of myself as somewhat of a biscuit expert, particularly those of a chocolate variety. I eat far too many, particularly in the office. It has to stop. So, to show myself I do actually have some will power, I am going to go without biscuits for a whole month...

...Sorry, I had to have a little rest there for a while, I became a little wobbly at the thought.

I am also going to weigh myself every day. I know this is a little controversial, and I will discuss this in later posts, but I think it will help me be mindful my plan each day.

Finally I am telling nobody, other than my DH, that I am doing this. I think this will also support what I am aiming for, and again, I will write about this at a later date.

Now, I need to go and mentally prepare for the great biscuit drought of 2012...

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