Sunday 4 March 2012

Day 3: A Weigh A Day

Firstly I should apologise for the dreadful lack of updating. I can only blame work here. It has been frantic, and I have written the posts, but not had time to actually publish them. So today, there is going to be a bit of a catch up, with loads of posts all on the same day. I promise to try harder.

As mentioned previously I have decided to weigh daily. I have a pair of those rather snazzy electronic scales which do weight, body fat percentage and water percentage.   I am not so bothered about water, but I think in the longer term the body fat readings could be useful.

Lots of diet books seem to think that weighing yourself every day is a sin second only to eating an entire packet of chocolate Hobnobs whilst watching back to back editions of Downton Abbey on a Sunday afternoon when you should be out running 10k.  When I have been trying to lose weight in the past I have been meticulous in weighing only once per week, at the same time, wearing the same clothes, etcetera etcetera. The problem is that when I am trying to do something which I find so difficult I need constant feedback that I am going in the right direction. Weighing only once per week left me in a perpetual state of worry that I might be unwittingly going off the rails. Trying to second guess what was going on was torture. It is bad enough having to fret about whether I have eaten enough fruit and veg, fibre, slow burning carbs and good fats without the extra pressure of weigh- in day.

As I have become all independent minded on the weight loss front I thought daily weighing may well be the answer to the problem. I can see how things are going and make minor tweaks through the week to rescue things if needed, rather than suddenly finding I am 2lbs in the wrong direction.  I am going to give this a go for a month or so and see how things pan out. 

Be happy.
Miss D.

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